TweetPosted on Saturday Feb 15, 2014 at 08:20PM in Technology
- Chunk方式のStepで例外発生時にスキップさせてみると同じ。ここで作ったプロジェクトが普通に動いているものとする
- [2]から引いてみる
public interface Decider
A Decider receives control as part of a decision element in a job. It is used to direct execution flow during job processing. It returns an exit status that updates the current job execution's exit status. This exit status value also directs the execution transition based on next, end, stop, fail child elements configured on the same decision element as the decider.
String decide(StepExecution[] executions) throws Exception
The decide method sets a new exit status for a job. It receives an array of StepExecution objects as input. These StepExecution objects represent the execution element that transitions to this decider as follows:
When the transition is from a step, the decide method receives the StepExecution corresponding to the step as input.
When the transition is from a split, the decide method receives a StepExecution from each flow defined to the split as input.
When the transition is from a flow, the decide method receives a StepExecution corresponding to the last execution element that completed in the flow. This will be a single StepExecution if the last element was a step and multiple StepExecutions if the last element was a split.
executions - specifies the StepExecution(s) of the preceding element.
updated job exit status
- とりあえず上に書かれた3パターンで試してみる
- 第一レベルの要素は以下
- step1 (batchlet step)
- step2 (chunk oriented step)
- step2decision (decision)
- step3_NO_SKIP_FOUND (batchlet step)
- step4_SKIP_FOUND (batchlet step)
- step2でスキップがなかった場合はstep3_NO_SKIP_FOUNDに遷移する
- step2でスキップがあった場合はstep4_SKIP_FOUNDに遷移する
13:53:59,614 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): executions=1 13:53:59,614 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): stepName=step2, stepExecutionId=248 13:53:59,614 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: WRITE_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:53:59,615 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: PROCESS_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:53:59,615 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: WRITE_COUNT=10 13:53:59,615 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: COMMIT_COUNT=4 13:53:59,615 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: READ_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:53:59,615 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: ROLLBACK_COUNT=0 13:53:59,615 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: FILTER_COUNT=0 13:53:59,615 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: READ_COUNT=10 13:53:59,615 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): exitStatus=SKIP_NOT_FOUND 13:53:59,617 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.NopBatchlet] (batch-batch - 10) step3_NO_SKIP_FOUND
jbatch=# select * from job_execution order by jobexecutionid desc limit 1; jobexecutionid | jobinstanceid | version | createtime | starttime | endtime | lastupdatedtime | batchstatus | exitstatus | jobparameters | restartposition ----------------+---------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------- 188 | 176 | | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.41 | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.41 | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.619 | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.619 | COMPLETED | SKIP_NOT_FOUND | itemReaderFailAt = -1+| | | | | | | | | | divide = 2 +| | | | | | | | | | | (1 row)
jbatch=# select * from step_execution where jobexecutionid in (188) order by jobexecutionid, stepexecutionid; stepexecutionid | jobexecutionid | version | stepname | starttime | endtime | batchstatus | exitstatus | executionexception | persistentuserdata | readcount | writecount | commitcount | rollbackcount | readskipcount | processskipcount | filtercount | writeskipcount | readercheckpointinfo | writercheckpointinfo -----------------+----------------+---------+---------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------+------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+------------------+-------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 247 | 188 | | step1 | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.412 | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.453 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 248 | 188 | | step2 | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.46 | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.61 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 10 | 10 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | \xaced0005737200116a6176612e6c616e672e496e746567657212e2a0a4f781873802000149000576616c7565787200106a6176612e6c616e672e4e756d62657286ac951d0b94e08b02000078700000000a | \xaced0005737200116a6176612e6c616e672e496e746567657212e2a0a4f781873802000149000576616c7565787200106a6176612e6c616e672e4e756d62657286ac951d0b94e08b020000787000000004 249 | 188 | | step3_NO_SKIP_FOUND | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.615 | 2014-02-16 13:53:59.617 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | (3 rows) jbatch=#
13:55:00,761 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): executions=1 13:55:00,761 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): stepName=step2, stepExecutionId=251 13:55:00,761 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): metric: WRITE_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:55:00,761 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): metric: PROCESS_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:55:00,761 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): metric: WRITE_COUNT=9 13:55:00,761 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): metric: COMMIT_COUNT=4 13:55:00,762 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): metric: READ_SKIP_COUNT=1 13:55:00,762 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): metric: ROLLBACK_COUNT=0 13:55:00,762 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): metric: FILTER_COUNT=0 13:55:00,762 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): metric: READ_COUNT=9 13:55:00,762 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 5) decide(): exitStatus=SKIP_FOUND 13:55:00,763 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.NopBatchlet] (batch-batch - 5) step4_SKIP_FOUND
jbatch=# select * from job_execution order by jobexecutionid desc limit 1; jobexecutionid | jobinstanceid | version | createtime | starttime | endtime | lastupdatedtime | batchstatus | exitstatus | jobparameters | restartposition ----------------+---------------+---------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------+------------+----------------------+----------------- 189 | 177 | | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.639 | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.639 | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.765 | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.765 | COMPLETED | SKIP_FOUND | itemReaderFailAt = 5+| | | | | | | | | | divide = 2 +| | | | | | | | | | | (1 row)
jbatch=# select * from step_execution where jobexecutionid in (189) order by jobexecutionid, stepexecutionid; stepexecutionid | jobexecutionid | version | stepname | starttime | endtime | batchstatus | exitstatus | executionexception | persistentuserdata | readcount | writecount | commitcount | rollbackcount | readskipcount | processskipcount | filtercount | writeskipcount | readercheckpointinfo | writercheckpointinfo -----------------+----------------+---------+------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------+------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+------------------+-------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 | 189 | | step1 | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.641 | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.642 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 251 | 189 | | step2 | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.644 | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.758 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 9 | 9 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | \xaced0005737200116a6176612e6c616e672e496e746567657212e2a0a4f781873802000149000576616c7565787200106a6176612e6c616e672e4e756d62657286ac951d0b94e08b02000078700000000a | \xaced0005737200116a6176612e6c616e672e496e746567657212e2a0a4f781873802000149000576616c7565787200106a6176612e6c616e672e4e756d62657286ac951d0b94e08b020000787000000003 252 | 189 | | step4_SKIP_FOUND | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.762 | 2014-02-16 13:55:00.763 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | (3 rows) jbatch=#
- Decider#decide()に渡されるStepExecutionは、基本的に遷移元Stepのものだけのようだ
- 第一レベルの要素は以下
- split1 (split)
- split1decision (decision)
- split1の下には同じようなflowが3つある
- flowの下にはstep (batchlet) が2つ
- decisionの後の分岐とスキップはもう試したので省略
13:42:04,217 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.NopBatchlet] (batch-batch - 3) flow3-step1 13:42:04,217 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.NopBatchlet] (batch-batch - 6) flow1-step1 13:42:04,217 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.NopBatchlet] (batch-batch - 2) flow2-step1 13:42:04,221 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.split.SleepBatchlet] (batch-batch - 2) entering process(): stepName=flow2-step2, sleepInMills=2,000 13:42:04,221 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.split.SleepBatchlet] (batch-batch - 3) entering process(): stepName=flow3-step2, sleepInMills=3,000 13:42:04,221 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.split.SleepBatchlet] (batch-batch - 6) entering process(): stepName=flow1-step2, sleepInMills=1,000 13:42:05,222 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.split.SleepBatchlet] (batch-batch - 6) exiting process(): stepName=flow1-step2, sleepInMills=1,000 13:42:06,222 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.split.SleepBatchlet] (batch-batch - 2) exiting process(): stepName=flow2-step2, sleepInMills=2,000 13:42:07,222 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.split.SleepBatchlet] (batch-batch - 3) exiting process(): stepName=flow3-step2, sleepInMills=3,000 13:42:07,225 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): executions=3 13:42:07,226 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): stepName=flow1-step2, stepExecutionId=243 13:42:07,226 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: WRITE_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:42:07,226 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: PROCESS_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:42:07,226 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: WRITE_COUNT=0 13:42:07,226 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: COMMIT_COUNT=0 13:42:07,226 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: READ_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:42:07,226 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: ROLLBACK_COUNT=0 13:42:07,226 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: FILTER_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: READ_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): stepName=flow2-step2, stepExecutionId=242 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: WRITE_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: PROCESS_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: WRITE_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: COMMIT_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: READ_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: ROLLBACK_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: FILTER_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: READ_COUNT=0 13:42:07,227 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): stepName=flow3-step2, stepExecutionId=244 13:42:07,228 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: WRITE_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:42:07,228 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: PROCESS_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:42:07,228 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: WRITE_COUNT=0 13:42:07,228 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: COMMIT_COUNT=0 13:42:07,228 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: READ_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:42:07,228 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: ROLLBACK_COUNT=0 13:42:07,228 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: FILTER_COUNT=0 13:42:07,228 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): metric: READ_COUNT=0 13:42:07,228 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 10) decide(): exitStatus=SKIP_NOT_FOUND
- 遷移元がSplitの場合、Splitの子Flowの数だけStepExecutionが渡される(Flowの最後の要素のStepExecution)。だから配列なのか。なるほどね
jbatch=# select * from job_execution order by jobexecutionid desc limit 1; jobexecutionid | jobinstanceid | version | createtime | starttime | endtime | lastupdatedtime | batchstatus | exitstatus | jobparameters | restartposition ----------------+---------------+---------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------+----------------+---------------+----------------- 186 | 174 | | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.198 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.198 | 2014-02-16 13:42:07.229 | 2014-02-16 13:42:07.229 | COMPLETED | SKIP_NOT_FOUND | | (1 row) jbatch=#
jbatch=# select * from step_execution where jobexecutionid in (186) order by jobexecutionid, stepexecutionid; stepexecutionid | jobexecutionid | version | stepname | starttime | endtime | batchstatus | exitstatus | executionexception | persistentuserdata | readcount | writecount | commitcount | rollbackcount | readskipcount | processskipcount | filtercount | writeskipcount | readercheckpointinfo | writercheckpointinfo -----------------+----------------+---------+-------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------+------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+------------------+-------------+----------------+----------------------+---------------------- 239 | 186 | | flow1-step1 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.211 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.217 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 240 | 186 | | flow3-step1 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.211 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.217 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 241 | 186 | | flow2-step1 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.211 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.217 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 242 | 186 | | flow2-step2 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.22 | 2014-02-16 13:42:06.223 | COMPLETED | SUCCESS | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 243 | 186 | | flow1-step2 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.22 | 2014-02-16 13:42:05.223 | COMPLETED | SUCCESS | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 244 | 186 | | flow3-step2 | 2014-02-16 13:42:04.22 | 2014-02-16 13:42:07.222 | COMPLETED | SUCCESS | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | (6 rows)
- 第一レベルの要素は以下
- flow1 (flow)
- flowdecision (decision)
- flow1の下にはstep (batchlet) が2つ
13:47:01,234 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.NopBatchlet] (batch-batch - 6) flow1-step1 13:47:01,237 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.NopBatchlet] (batch-batch - 6) flow1-step2 13:47:01,239 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): executions=1 13:47:01,239 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): stepName=flow1-step2, stepExecutionId=246 13:47:01,239 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): metric: WRITE_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:47:01,239 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): metric: PROCESS_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:47:01,239 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): metric: WRITE_COUNT=0 13:47:01,240 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): metric: COMMIT_COUNT=0 13:47:01,240 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): metric: READ_SKIP_COUNT=0 13:47:01,240 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): metric: ROLLBACK_COUNT=0 13:47:01,240 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): metric: FILTER_COUNT=0 13:47:01,240 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): metric: READ_COUNT=0 13:47:01,240 FINE [org.nailedtothex.jbatch.example.decision.MyDecider] (batch-batch - 6) decide(): exitStatus=SKIP_NOT_FOUND
jbatch=# select * from job_execution order by jobexecutionid desc limit 1; jobexecutionid | jobinstanceid | version | createtime | starttime | endtime | lastupdatedtime | batchstatus | exitstatus | jobparameters | restartposition ----------------+---------------+---------+-------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+-------------+----------------+---------------+----------------- 187 | 175 | | 2014-02-16 13:47:01.231 | 2014-02-16 13:47:01.231 | 2014-02-16 13:47:01.24 | 2014-02-16 13:47:01.24 | COMPLETED | SKIP_NOT_FOUND | | (1 row)
jbatch=# select * from step_execution where jobexecutionid in (187) order by jobexecutionid, stepexecutionid; stepexecutionid | jobexecutionid | version | stepname | starttime | endtime | batchstatus | exitstatus | executionexception | persistentuserdata | readcount | writecount | commitcount | rollbackcount | readskipcount | processskipcount | filtercount | writeskipcount | readercheckpointinfo | writercheckpointinfo -----------------+----------------+---------+-------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------+------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------+------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+------------------+-------------+----------------+----------------------+---------------------- 245 | 187 | | flow1-step1 | 2014-02-16 13:47:01.232 | 2014-02-16 13:47:01.234 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 246 | 187 | | flow1-step2 | 2014-02-16 13:47:01.236 | 2014-02-16 13:47:01.237 | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | (2 rows) jbatch=#
- 遷移元がFlowの場合はFlowの一番最後のStepのStepExecutionだけが渡される
- Decider#decide()に渡されるStepExecutionは以下のようになる
- 遷移元がStepの場合: 遷移元StepのStepExecution (配列の要素数は1個)
- 遷移元がSplitの場合: 遷移元Splitの各子Flowの最後のStepのStepExecution (配列の要素数は複数個)
- 遷移元がFlowの場合: 遷移元Flowの最後のStepのStepExecution (配列の要素数は1個)
Tags: jbatch