Install Apache Roller 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT to WildFly
TweetPosted on Friday May 16, 2014 at 05:40PM in Technology
I installed Apache Roller 5.0.3 to WildFly at this article, but unfortunately it was so annoying procedure. Roller 5.0.3 comes with official installation guide to JBoss6, but it seems to be obsoleted for WildFly, so I had to such struggle to install Roller to WildFly.
But, I heard that from a developer of Roller, latest Roller and its installation guide is updated as compatible with newer JBoss version. also some problems at deploying to WildFly are fixed, so it became more easy to deploy to newer JBoss version, so I recommend latest Roller to who wants to use Roller with WildFly. The guide is fine and I guess that it's might be better to read it than this entry.
- Apache Roller 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT
- Apache Maven 3.1.1
- WildFly 8.1.0.CR1
- Oracle JDK8u5
- PostgreSQL 9.2.4
- OS X 10.9.3
- Appropriate JDBC driver is already installed.
- Checkout latest Apache Roller
svn co roller_trunk
- Build
cd roller_trunk; mvn clean install
The WAR file will be built at roller_trunk/app/target/roller.war
- Create a database (with psql)
create database roller owner wildfly encoding 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0;
- Create a DataSource (with jboss-cli)
data-source add \ --name=RollerDS \ --driver-name=postgresql-9.3-1100.jdbc41.jar \ --connection-url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/roller \ --jndi-name=java:/RollerDS \ --user-name=wildfly \ --password=*** \ --check-valid-connection-sql="SELECT 1" \ --background-validation-millis=60000 \ --validate-on-match=true \ --jta=false
- Set default datasource
/subsystem=jpa:write-attribute(name=default-datasource, value="java:/RollerDS")
- Create a JavaMail session
/socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding=RollerSMTP:add( \, \ port=465) /subsystem=mail/mail-session=RollerMail:add(jndi-name="java:/RollerMail", from="", debug=true) /subsystem=mail/mail-session=RollerMail/server=smtp:add( \ outbound-socket-binding-ref=RollerSMTP, \ ssl=true, \, \ password=***)
How to define a JavaMail session using CLI might be useful if you want further information about configuration of JavaMail session for WildFly.
- Create a directory at $WILDFLY_HOME/modules/org/apache/roller/configuration/main and put files below
- module.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.apache.roller.configuration"> <resources> <resource-root path="."/> </resources> </module>
installation.type=auto search.index.dir=/Users/kyle/tmp/roller510/rollerdata/searchindex log4j.appender.roller.File=/Users/kyle/tmp/roller510/rollerdata/roller.log database.configurationType=jndi mail.configurationType=jndi
- hibernate.cfg.xml
<hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL9Dialect</property> </session-factory> </hibernate-configuration>
- module.xml
- Restart wildfly
- Browse /roller of your application server and do some initializing process
- Set installation.type=manual in
It works fine now, so I would try some customizing and posting with Roller.
I still seeing an error of JavaMail or something. I would investigate it later.
WARN 2014-05-16 16:01:39,233 WebloggerStartup:prepare - Failed to setup mail provider, continuing anyways. Reason: ERROR connecting to mail server