Kohei Nozaki's blog 

Managing multiple JPA persistence units with guice-persist

Posted on Sunday Jun 19, 2016 at 06:15PM in Technology

Guice has an extension named guice-persist which aim for providing integration between Guice and a data persistence mechanism. it gives declarative transaction management functionality with the annotation @com.google.inject.persist.Transactional which works with a standalone environment or plain servlet containers such as Tomcat or Jetty.

guice-persist supports JPA and it’s simple to use with only one persistence unit, but to use it with multiple persistence units, it requires some tricks.

The official Guice wiki has only some brief description and I can’t find any complete example to implement it in an actual application. so, in this entry I’ll give you a complete example about how to write a module which manages multiple persistence units.

Module hierarchy

To manage multiple PUs in a module, you should create PrivateModule subclasses of the same number of your persistence units.

Let’s say we have two persistence units that one is named masterPU and another one named slavePU. For example, we have the following persistence.xml in an application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.1" xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence"
             xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_2_1.xsd">
    <persistence-unit name="masterPU" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
    <persistence-unit name="slavePU" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

In this case, we are going to create and assemble classes as the following diagram:

1788876a 6b06 4be0 a5d1 4cc3c2897b23

MasterPu and SlavePu are qualifier annotations that used for distinguish multiple bindings of JPA classes.

Writing modules

So, how do you write those modules? I’ll show you some important parts of them.

Qualifier annotations

First you need to create the two qualifier annotations something like this:

import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;

@java.lang.annotation.Target({FIELD, PARAMETER, METHOD})
public @interface MasterPu {

Don’t forget about SlavePu as well.


Now here’s the most important part - this class installs JpaPersistModule and rebinds and exposes JPA class bindings:

public class JpaPersistPrivateModule extends PrivateModule {
    protected final String persistenceUnitName;
    protected final Properties props;
    protected final Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier;

    public JpaPersistPrivateModule(final String persistenceUnitName, final Properties props, final Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
        this.persistenceUnitName = persistenceUnitName;
        this.props = props;
        this.qualifier = qualifier;

    public JpaPersistPrivateModule(final String persistenceUnitName, final Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
        this(persistenceUnitName, new Properties(), qualifier);

    protected void configure() {
        install(new JpaPersistModule(persistenceUnitName).properties(props));
        rebind(qualifier, EntityManagerFactory.class, EntityManager.class, PersistService.class, UnitOfWork.class);

    private void rebind(Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier, Class<?>... classes) {
        for (Class<?> clazz : classes) {
            rebind(qualifier, clazz);

    private <T> void rebind(Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier, Class<T> clazz) {

     * bind your interfaces and classes as well as concrete ones that use JPA classes explicitly
    protected void doConfigure() {
        // write your bindings in your subclasses
        // bindConcreteClassWithQualifier(MyTableService.class);
        // ...

     * binds and exposes a concrete class with an annotation
    protected <T> void bindConcreteClassWithQualifier(Class<T> clazz) {

     * binds and exposes a concrete class without any annotation
    protected void bindConcreteClass(Class<?> clazz) {

First, this class installs JpaPersistModule and it creates bindings of JPA classes without any annotation but those bindings will not be exposed globally because we are in a PrivateModule. then, this class rebinds them with a qualifier annotation and exposes them with qualifier annotation. eventually, bindings of the four JPA classes will be created with a qualifier annotation.

MyModule, MasterPuModule and SlavePuModule

public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
    protected void configure() {
        install(new MasterPuModule());
        install(new SlavePuModule());

    private static class MasterPuModule extends JpaPersistPrivateModule {
        public MasterPuModule() {
            super("masterPU", MasterPu.class);

        protected void doConfigure() {

    private static class SlavePuModule extends JpaPersistPrivateModule {
        public SlavePuModule() {
            super("slavePU", SlavePu.class);

        protected void doConfigure() {

This class installs two JpaPersistPrivateModule subclasses for persistence units and binds a service class named MyTableService which requires injection of EntityManager. this module creates two distinct annotated bindings for the class.

Note that if you need declarative transaction management by @Transactional for your service classes, you should create bindings of them inside doConfigure(). for example, if you creates such bindings in MyModule#configure(), declarative transactions won’t work.

How about PersistFilter?

If you need PersistFilter for those two modules, you need to create a binding for each modules inside doConfigure() as follows:

Key<PersistFilter> key = Key.get(PersistFilter.class, qualifier);

Then, install all of modules inside your subclass of ServletModule. after that, create filter mappings inside configureServlets() as follows:

filter("/*").through(Key.get(PersistFilter.class, MasterPu.class));
filter("/*").through(Key.get(PersistFilter.class, SlavePu.class));


We have seen an example of a Guice module that manages two persistence units with guice-persist. check my GitHub repository for the complete example project and testcases.

In-container JMS consumer/producer example

Posted on Saturday May 14, 2016 at 11:06PM in Technology

In this entry, I’ll show you a complete example of using JMS in a Java EE 7 compliant application container, through creating a webapp which consists of both a consumer and a producer. we’re going to deploy it to a container (WildFly 10.0.0.Final) and see a webapp produces and consumes a message.

Launch the container

Launch WildFly server with the following parameter so the bundled message queue broker (ActiveMQ Artemis) will be launched:

./standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml

For IntelliJ IDEA, check how to launch WildFly with -c standalone-full.xml from this SO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25849810/how-to-run-wildfly-with-standalone-full-xml-from-intellij-idea

Define a queue

Launch jboss-cli and define a queue with this command:

jms-queue add --queue-address=testQueue --entries=queue/test,java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/test

Check if it’s successfully created:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=messaging-activemq/server=default/jms-queue=testQueue:read-resource
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "durable" => true,
        "entries" => [
        "legacy-entries" => undefined,
        "selector" => undefined

Create the webapp which contains consumer/producer

Here we’re going to create following three classes in the webapp:

  • MyProducer: a Stateless Session Bean which produces a message to the queue

  • MyConsumer: a Message-Driven Bean which consumes any messages being sent to the queue

  • MyServlet: Receives HTTP GET request and kicks MyProducer

The whole project can be obtained from My GitHub repository.


public class MyProducer {

    @Resource(mappedName = "java:/queue/test")
    Queue testQueue;
    JMSContext jmsContext;

    public void enqueue(final String text) {
        jmsContext.createProducer().send(testQueue, text);


@MessageDriven(name = "MyMDB", activationConfig = {
        @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destination", propertyValue = "queue/test"),
        @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue"),
        @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "acknowledgeMode", propertyValue = "Auto-acknowledge")})
public class MyConsumer implements MessageListener {

    private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MyConsumer.class.toString());

    public void onMessage(final Message msg) {
        if (msg instanceof TextMessage) {
            try {
                final String text = ((TextMessage) msg).getText();
                LOGGER.info(() -> "Received: " + text);
            } catch (final JMSException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);


@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/")
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {

    MyProducer myProducer;

    protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        final String text = "Hello, JMS!";
        resp.getWriter().write("Published! check output of the consumer: " + text + "\n");

Of course you don’t need to put MyConsumer to the webapp which contains MyProducer. this is just an example, and in fact, just for asynchronous/background processing in a webapp, you better use more simple EJB Asynchronous methods or ManagedExecutorService instead of JMS. for real use-case, you may create a dedicated app for queue consumers and place your MyConsumer equivalent into it.

Trigger producing and consuming

Deploy the app and submit HTTP GET request to it as follows.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/jms-example/

If it worked successfully, you’ll see following response from the Servlet:

Published! check output of the consumer: Hello, JMS!

Then check console/output/log of your application container. if the consumer worked successfully, you can see the output something like following:

13:55:18,168 INFO  [class jms.MyConsumer] (Thread-438 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads-271921988)) Received: Hello, JMS!


As described above, thanks to JMS, we can develop a messaging app without tons of annoying, vendor-specific boilar plate code, in lean and simple semantics. there are no worries of maintaining logic of connection handling, polling loop and so forth in the application code.

And note that there are no use of vendor-specific classes - it uses only standardized API which comes from javaee-api. you may need to alter some portion of code when you deploy this example to other Java EE 7 compliant container such as GlassFish, WebLogic or WebSphere, but that should be few.

PrivateModule, TypeLiteral and AssistedInject - Google Guice techniques for complex scenarios

Posted on Sunday Feb 07, 2016 at 11:44AM in Technology

In this entry I’ll introduce you some Google Guice techniques that can be used for some complex class designing scenarios, I’ve learned recently and found very helpful.

I’ve tested techniques that used in this entry works with Google Guice 3.0 and 4.0. example implementations and test cases can be obtained from my GitHub repository.


Consider you have classes that something like following diagram:

237fbbbb c5d0 4315 aeef ccc9e8b2605e

You have a service class named MyService which depends on the interface named MyStrategy (DOC, Depended On Component). the DOC has two implementations, the one EnglishStrategy says "Hello", when the method of it named sayHello() is being called, and another one JapaneseStrategy says "Konnichiwa".

There are annotation classes English and Japanese to distinguish two strategy MyService depends on. these two annotations are written as follows:

import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;

@java.lang.annotation.Target({FIELD, PARAMETER, METHOD})
public @interface English {

On that situation, you want Guice to produce and inject two MyService instances for your client class. you would declare injection points as follows:

// (1) call for injection of MyService annotated as @English
MyService englishService;

// (2) call for injection of MyService annotated as @Japanese
MyService japaneseService;

But it doesn’t work due to Guice failed to look MyService binding annotated as @English and @Japanese up.

In such case, you can create two PrivateModule and install them in your Module implementation as follows:

protected void configure() {
    install(new PrivateModule() {
        protected void configure() {
            // bind MyService annotated as English to MyService PRIVATELY

            // expose MyService annotated as English GLOBALLY. this fulfills injection point (1)

            // bind MyStrategy to EnglishStrategy PRIVATELY
    install(new PrivateModule() {
        protected void configure() {
            // bind MyService annotated as Japanese to MyService PRIVATELY

            // expose MyService annotated as Japanese GLOBALLY. this fulfills injection point (2)

            // bind MyStrategy to JapaneseStrategy PRIVATELY

These PrivateModule create two bindings:

  1. MyService annotated with English or Japanese.

  2. MyStrategy without any annotation for EnglishStrategy or JapaneseStrategy privately

And, it exposes only the binding 1. If the binding 2 exposes as well or created in global scope, Guice will complain that there are two bindings for MyStrategy without any annotation. that’s point what PrivateModule helps.


Consider you have following injection points that with generics type parameter:

List<String> stringList;
List<Integer> integerList;

To bind instances to these injection points, you need to use TypeLiteral in your Module implementation as follows:

protected void configure() {
    bind(new TypeLiteral<List<String>>() {
    }).toInstance(new ArrayList<String>() {{

    bind(new TypeLiteral<List<Integer>>() {
    }).toInstance(new ArrayList<Integer>() {{

With this module, Guice resolves correct the two injection points with use of generics type parameter.

Also you can leave constructing an instance to Guice if you have an implementation class. for example, consider you have a generic interface as follows:

public interface MyGenericService<T extends Number> {
    T get();

Injection points:

MyGenericService<Integer> integerService;
MyGenericService<Double> doubleService;

Two implementations:

public class MyIntegerService implements MyGenericService<Integer> {
    public Integer get() {
        return 123;
public class MyDoubleService implements MyGenericService<Double> {
    public Double get() {
        return 0.5;

To create bindings to these injection points without creating instances in the module, you can write as follows in your module implementation:

bind(new TypeLiteral<MyGenericService<Integer>>(){}).to(MyIntegerService.class);
bind(new TypeLiteral<MyGenericService<Double>>(){}).to(MyDoubleService.class);


Consider you have classes that something like following diagram:

703fa153 c547 4dd9 9145 70f36d55988e

You have a service class named MyProduct, which requires a parameter name for its constructor. the parameter name varies in each injection, so we create the factory interface MyFactory for it. also, MyProduct depends on MyCollaborator.

You would create MyProduct instance in your client as follows:

MyFactory factory;
public void someMethodInClient() {
    final MyProduct product = factory.create("foo");

So, anyway, an implementation of MyFactory is needed. it must be simple in this case but it brings another boilarplate code that should be avoided as possible. and imagine that if MyProduct has a hundreds of DOCs? it will be longer as numbers of DOCs grows. manual construction procedure will be something like new MyProduct(new MyCollaborator1(), new MyCollaborator2(), …​) . obviously, it should be avoided.

With AssistedInject , Guice will do it instead of you.

First, create MyFactory as follows:

public interface MyFactory {
    MyProduct create(String name);

Note that you don’t need to create an implementation class yourself, just forget about it. next, put an additional dependency to your pom.xml:


Put following procedure to your Module implementation:

protected void configure() {
    install(new FactoryModuleBuilder().build(MyFactory.class));

Finally, declare an injection point in the MyProduct class as follows. note that a constructor parameter name is annotated as @Assisted:

MyProduct(@Assisted final String name, final MyCollaborator collaborator) {
    this.name = name;
    this.collaborator = collaborator;

With that, Guice automatically creates MyFactory implementation for you, and handles parameter name nicely.

jEdit conditional line deleting with regex

Posted on Sunday Jan 31, 2016 at 06:03PM in Technology

How to delete lines that contains a keyword?

Open Search And Replace dialog and turn Regular expressions on then put ^.*KEYWORD.*$\n to Search for box, leave Replace with blank then hit Replace All.

How to delete lines that NOT contains a keyword?

With ^((?!KEYWORD).)*$\n do the same to the above. for detail check http://stackoverflow.com/questions/406230/regular-expression-to-match-line-that-doesnt-contain-a-word

My jEdit setup on OS X

Posted on Sunday Jan 31, 2016 at 04:00PM in Technology

Make Option key work

Put a file contains following line to $HOME/Library/jEdit/startup so shortcuts that used Option work.


Check http://www.nailedtothex.org/roller/kyle/entry/installing-and-configuring-jedit-5 for further information about setup jEdit on OS X.

Basic configurations

Just for my preferences:

  • Go to View section

    • check Show full path of buffer in title bar

  • Go to Editing section

    • set Word wrap to soft

    • set Wrap margin to 100

    • check Soft (emulated with spaces) tabs

  • Go to Toolbar

    • uncheck Show tool bar

  • Go to Text Area

    • check Caret: thick

Customize shortcut

First, choose keymap Mac OS X. Then customize maps that unusable by default because OS X takes precedence.

  • Incremental Search: CMD+, launches application’s preferences window. so I bind it to Option+, instead.

Note: Draw multi-key shortcuts on screen menu bar option makes some shortcut such as move to dockables unusable, I don’t know why.

Basic operations


From Macros ⇒ New Macro, you can create a BeanShell macros. For example, the macro below puts current date to the position of caret:


Project Viewer

This plugin enables managing set of files in a unit named project. imagine the same name thing that implemented in some IDEs for Java development such as Eclipse or NetBeans.

There are some plugin that requires it. For example, FastOpen is a companion plugin for Project Viewer that enables open files fast with keyboard. I’ve set Delay before searching option to the smallest value (0.5sec).

The documentation of this plugin can be obtained from http://plugins.jedit.org/plugindoc/ProjectViewer/


This plugin integrates console as a jEdit dockable.

Its advantages are commands that for invoking jEdit’s functionalities. for example, %edit foo.txt opens a file as a jEdit buffer. another useful one is redirecting output to a new jEdit buffer. for example, typing echo hello, jEdit in the console and hitting Ctrl+ENTER yields a new jEdit buffer with contents of hello, jEdit. also there are many useful variable syntax. e.g. ${f} for the current buffer’s path name. BeanShell console is available as well.

Also SshConsole Plugin extends its functionality to support remote hosts can be connected with SSH.

I recommend that check all three options in Console ⇒ System Shell ⇒ Events to chdir at Plugin Options.

The documentation of this plugin can be obtained from http://plugins.jedit.org/plugindoc/Console/


As its name states it make whitespaces, tabs or control characters visible. I recommend you to set to show leading and trailing tabs / spaces by this plugin.


It provides some useful text operations, such as Toggle Range Comment. I recommend you to replace shortcuts for built-in ones by this plugin.

jDiff Plugin

It shows difference between two files pretty nicely as IntelliJ.


Some worth considering plugins are:

  • FTP

  • SQL

  • XML

  • MarkerSets