Kohei Nozaki's blog 

Configuring automatic push by successfully build

Posted on Sunday Mar 01, 2015 at 11:19PM in Jenkins

Making Jenkins to push to an another remote repository if build finishes successfully.


  1. Create a bare repository

    $ mkdir trader-stable.git
    $ cd trader-stable.git
    $ git init --bare
    Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/Shared/trader-stable.git/
  2. Click Add Repository

    4a49f571 4135 43a8 915f e96db6eb902b
  3. Enter Repository URL

    e33f505c a52b 4752 83f9 44bf45b9db47
  4. Click Advanced…​

    507dc8b1 d86b 4cde b24c b59da15e84ed
  5. Enter stable to Name

    0f54d0a9 5317 40f5 9c60 ee13804a9904
  6. Click Add post-build actionGit Publisher

    44eeab12 4cf2 4c4a 81a9 785b99514659
  7. Check Push Only If Build Succeeds

  8. Click Add Tag

    60946cca e837 4245 a2c8 8e74c98c1f23
  9. Enter $BUILD_NUMBER to Tag to push

  10. Check Create new tag

  11. Enter stable to Target remote name

  12. Click Save

    2a9e7146 7663 414f 9499 91b65e028a43


$ pwd
$ echo 'push if succeeds test' >> hi.txt
$ git commit -am 'push if succeeds test'
$ git push origin master

Jenkins said Pushing tag 8 to repo stable

3e1e0e9a 2732 4054 8a20 82da0f67a7ab
$ git remote add stable /Users/Shared/trader-stable.git
$ git fetch stable
remote: Counting objects: 1, done.
remote: Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (1/1), done.
From /Users/Shared/trader-stable
 * [new tag]         8          -> 8

Configuring automatic build by push for git repository

Posted on Sunday Mar 01, 2015 at 07:15PM in Jenkins

We can start the build by send request to following URL.



In my case, Jenkins is deployed in /, and the server is running on port 18080. so the command to start a build of the job named trader will be:

curl http://localhost:18080/job/trader/build

So put following shell script into $ORIGIN_BARE_REPOSITORY/hooks/post-receive and execute chmod +x post-receive.

curl http://localhost:18080/job/trader/build


Push some modification as follows:

$ echo hook test >> hi.txt
$ git add hi.txt
$ git commit -m 'hook test'
$ git push origin master

Check the build was run automatically as expected, and the output.

b0731e82 30d0 4638 b412 1e1bba91d3c9

Creating a simplest Jenkins job against a git repository

Posted on Sunday Mar 01, 2015 at 05:45PM in Jenkins

  1. Click New Item

    ecdf88ac ba06 4f30 aaa6 889b72d7a6be
  2. Enter trader in Item name and select Build a free-style software project

    81952af0 a4ae 40d7 a387 e02647d31f23
  3. Select Git and enter Repository URL

    9ac2c2af 2a4a 4b4d 90b4 7eed0a73433e
  4. Click Add build step - Execute shell

    dc7e02f0 9e6f 47ed 8049 e7a1a3078c11
  5. Enter cat hi.txt into Command

    95537b80 e9a0 4e42 89df d8dfb548de90
  6. Click Save

    659ed88d 0455 400c 91e4 f4b3ab714ea3
  7. Click Build Now

    9d4ef446 7b26 4a7a a2a2 010268e05e84
  8. Click a Build History which just created by build

    44f32959 4d18 4a89 8895 c35c1861be51
  9. Click Console Output

    f3da0b60 f9a2 4963 a12f 4fc3a8c1f392