Kohei Nozaki's blog 

Entries tagged [migrate]

Thoughts about destination of migration

Posted on Thursday Jun 12, 2014 at 07:53AM in General

I wrote about some conditions of subject in another entry, so I got to think more further this time for that subject.

I'm living in a advanced country, but its sustainability is uncertain. so I guess what I need is more stable country which keep better sustainability. sustainability of developing country might be not stable. so... finally I got to know what, really I need is keeping my physical light.

What I mean is... the ideal status is... if the need which moving to another country, arises, then I can move to another country immediately. it's impossible to stay to one country for rest of my life nowadays. so I think what necessary things is:

  • Keep your ability to earn money portable
    • Learn popular language. such as English, Chinese, Spanish (But I'm curious if great translator will be invented).
    • Find a way to earn money with Internet (but I know it's pretty hard to me...)
      • Remote working as a software engineer (it's ideal to me!)
      • Develop apps or services on the web
      • Create famous website and put adsense or such advertise things
    • Improve abilities that demanded globally
  • Keep fluidity of your assets and money
    • Don't buy land, house and car
    • Stocks or cashes are good
  • Don't buy physical things as possible
    • Furnitures
    • Records (buy mp3 instead!)
    • Books (buy eBooks instead!)
    • Pets (it's hard to carry them!)
    • Ultimate goal is: all you have is a laptop computer, a smartphone and some clothes and passport/certificates etc. rent other things that need for living.

Men who abandoned Japan

Posted on Thursday Jun 12, 2014 at 07:10AM in General

I read a book titled "Men who abandoned Japan". this book contains some real-life stories of such men. all of them are moved to Philippines from Japan for some reasons. almost all of them said same thing like "Philippines is better than Japan". but I think it's too far from ideal life of them, and they seems to be escaped from heavy debts or something. I got to know what:

  • Bad relationship destroys your life. if do you have many assets or money than your partner, you might be unhappy
  • Debt is evil. buying a house or land is ridiculous unless if you are a billionaire. renting is much better than buying in my opinion
  • Moving to another country will not solve your personal problem
  • Life in a developing country is hard on many aspects
I know It's funny these are not related to any country. but anyway I have to prepare to move to another country because of bad sustainability of my country. so I have to deal with:
  • Improve English and technical skills
  • Investigate foreign countries that I will be moved to
    • Sustainability
    • Conditions of visa
    • Languages
    • Job demands
    • Quality of medical service
    • Social security system
    • Crime rate
    • Unemployment rate
  • Save money

Thoughts of staying in a foreign country

Posted on Wednesday Jun 11, 2014 at 04:57PM in General

I sometimes wish to move to foreign country because I'm getting anxious when I think the future of my country. the cause is:

  • Aging of the population
  • Politics
    • I hate current government which keep neoliberalism forward
    • The government is ignoring younger generation. they cares only seniors that have strong voting power. younger generation forced to pay for a pension plan, but it won't be returned to them at all!
  • Bad environment of workers
    • Especially, working time is terrible in Japan! I don't want to work 9:00-24:00 every day again!
    • It will be getting worse because labor deregulation is keep forwarding nowadays.

So, I guess I have to prepare to move to alternative country like big company does. like they always threat us like: "We have to move to another country because of high rate of tax in Japan."